Shiva Prakash
2 min readNov 10, 2021

These are my 6 tips for meditators to sharpen their skills and make faster progress towards conscious living. I have been meditating for 25 years and found the following techniques very useful. Some have strains that are conventional, some different. The abbreviation I will use is:

DDSSCC, which stands for:

D: Distance

D: Detachment

S: Space

S: Stern Gaze

C: Chest

C: Conscious Breathing

I discussed the first two methods in my earlier post.

In this post I discuss the third and fourth of the six…


In this meditation, the idea is to be aware of as much of what is going on inside and outside of yourself as possible. Be aware of every noise, every birdsong, every bodily sound, whether it be the cracking of a bone, a burp, a twitch or swish or gurgling of blood…

Be aware of a faraway gardener’s mowing or blowing, the hum of a freeway of cars, the sound of people talking etc..

Bring all sounds into your awareness…

Let there be space for all…

…and not just sounds, also thoughts, feelings, insights…anything that comes into the mind and heart…do not exclude anything….fine tune your mind to notice and record everything…

This meditation will sharpen your perception….make you observe things that you have become dead to….make you realize everything that you hear and feel and see are transitory…fleeting…ephemeral….like breath itself…and ultimately life…

Stern Gaze:

In this meditation, you become discriminatory, critical, discerning, not to be fooled easily….


Observe your thoughts and feelings, desires. See what comes up objectively. Be skeptical of these impulses…the mind is always trying to get away with something sneaky….catch it red-handed in the act.


Tempted to have a fatty snack…caught!

Slander, hatred or ill will towards someone…caught!

Selfish desire…caught!

Sternly eliminate any unwanted or questionable desires… replace with opposite thought to neutralize these unenlightened expressions of the mind…

Take no prisoners!

Your own mind is not always your friend!

This meditation will build will power.

Give me feedback if you want.

